The heaviest band in the universe has finally released the 2001 and 2002 Whisky-A-Go-Go show! You've all seen the few videos posted to YouTube over the years, here's a bunch more from those gigs.
"Ghoulish Gigs" contains 26 old school Mortician songs live and in your face with all the raw brutality you expect.
Featuring the 2001-2002 line-up of Will Rahmer (bass/vocals), Roger Beaujard (drums), and Ron Kachnic (guitars).
- Embalmed Alive
- Drilling for Brains
- The Hatchet Murders
- Hacked up for Barbecue
- Chainsaw Dismemberment
- Martin The Vampire
- Bonecrusher
- Dr. Gore
- Driller Killer
- Extinction of Mankind
- Witches Coven
- Mortician
- Rampage The
- Bloodseekers
- Bonecrusher
- Zombie Apocalypse
- Silent Night Deadly Night
- Dead and Buried
- Inquisition
- Darkest Day of Horror
- Worms
- Drilling for Brains
- Domain of Death
- Embalmed Alive
- Cremated
- World Damnation
DVD's are All Region NTSC format (most DVD/blu-ray players paired with modern TVs will play this even if you are in Europe. Check your gear, make sure "All Region" and "NTSC" are good.)