On July 5th Comatose Music will shatter the chains of binding and release ‘Affiliation of Horrid Containment’ into the world - the second full length album of mind-breaking, soul-burning death metal from Sijjeel. Drinking deeply from a well of inspiration whose waters are black with the blood of old gods and the effluence of devils, Sijjeel have summoned into existence an album of absolute horror and madness! Featuring the nightmare-inducing guitar work of Sijjeel’s creator Hussain Akbar, the bone-shaking bass of Lukas Kaminski (Stillbirth, Placenta Powerfist etc) and the cavernous voice of Floor van Kuijk (Focal Dystonia, Korpse etc) this album is set to bring a new age of darkness to the death metal underground. Nothing can prepare you for the hell that is Sijjeel!
released July 5, 2024