1 –Antigama Inperfection 1:24
2 –Antigama Search 2:02
3 –Antigama Questions 2:30
4 –Antigama In A Room With Blue Walls 1:46
5 –Antigama Repeatedness 1:26
6 –Antigama Snuffbabe 2:23
7 –Third Degree Badpans 1:27
8 –Third Degree The Tolerance 1:53
9 –Third Degree Awareness 1:39
10 –Third Degree Fill The Rest Yourself 1:50
11 –Herman Rarebell (2) Herman Rarebell 1:02
12 –Herman Rarebell (2) The Dreams Of Gunther Von Hagen 0:41
13 –Herman Rarebell (2) Aftermath 1:11
14 –Herman Rarebell (2) Eyehatepope 0:49
15 –Herman Rarebell (2) Flick Dich Selbst 1:02
16 –Herman Rarebell (2) Iron Snake 1:24
17 –Herman Rarebell (2) Mutual Trust 2:16