Visceral Throne's debut album, Omnipotent Asperity, is a dissonant, fast, slamming, technical piece of brutal death metal mastery. Combining elements from technical death metal, slam, and guitar shred, the album features modern yet organic sounds. Raw snare blasting, tube amplifiers crushing the sonic spectrum, and triggered bass drums keep the death metal pulse in your face. An abundance of riffs keeps things constantly fresh, yet catchy and memorable. Guttural death metal vocals and audible bass lines top everything off to put this album at the top of their class.
released May 22, 2012
Recorded, Mixed, Mastered At – Kill Co
Artwork [Cover Art] – Marco Hasmann
Artwork [Logo, Title] – Steve Crow
Bass – Bills Swills
Engineer – Ryan Key
Layout, Photography By – Darkest Plague
Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar, Soloist – Justin Smith
Songwriter, Lyrics By, Drums, Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar – Andrew Sutton
Vocals – Dylan Cox