Preparation For Disembowelment
1 –Decomposing Serenity Stop Torturing Your Sister 1:33
2 –Decomposing Serenity This Infection Is Getting Worse 1:10
3 –Decomposing Serenity Where's The Cricket's Head 1:13
4 –Decomposing Serenity Feel The Peroxide On Your Wound 1:00
5 –Decomposing Serenity Sparkling Cutting Device 0:45
Tears Of Joy As I Lacerate
6 –Mortuary Hacking Session Bleeding My Children 1:22
7 –Mortuary Hacking Session Her Guts Through Her Eyes 1:49
8 –Mortuary Hacking Session Severed Fingertips 2:05
9 –Mortuary Hacking Session As The Putrified Meat 1:26
10 –Mortuary Hacking Session Brain Juice Under My Fingernails 0:52
11 –Mortuary Hacking Session Dissect Her, Eat The Baby 1:19
12 –Mortuary Hacking Session Keep The Pus In 1:51